1 O God of the nations, we humbly recall
the millions in war time who sacrificed all;
and as we remember the grief and the pain,
we pray that their dying was not all in vain.
2 O God of our longings, we dream of a time
of no more oppression, no hunger or crime;
that people and nations together may find
a life made more hopeful, more loving and kind.
3 O God of compassion, you call us to share
the good things you give us with those in despair;
for millions who hunger for justice and peace,
may caring be active and hope never cease.
4 O God of the future, now help us to give
our time and commitment that others may live;
and always remember the ones who were slain,
and pray that their dying was not all in vain.

Rev Brian Davis

words © Brian Davis / Jubilate, administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 7119517