O my sister, O my brother (May God’s house be undivided)
After Psalm 133
1 O my sister, O my brother:
where I've wronged, let me make right.
Where my sin has cast its shadow,
let repentance bring new light.
See how very good and pleasant
when Christ’s people live as one!
May God’s house be undivided
in humility and love.
2 There are wounds I have inflicted,
there are words long left unsaid.
I confess my sins before you;
will you pardon me my debt?
See how very good ...
3 As we gather at the Table,
let us always keep the feast
reconciled to God in Jesus,
bringing unity and peace.
See how very good ...
words & music © Elise Massa / Jubilate
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd