O Christ of all the ages, come!
1 O Christ of all the ages, come!
We fear to journey on our own;
without you near we cannot face
the future months, the years unknown.
2 Afflicted, tempted, tried like us,
you match our moments of despair;
with us you watch the desert hours,
and in our sorrows you are there.
3 O Saviour, fastened to a cross
by tearing nails our selfish ways;
the grieving, caring Lord of love,
you bear the sins of all our days.
4 Triumphant from the grave you rise
the morning breaks upon our sight;
and with its dawning, future years
will shine with your unending light.
5 O Christ of all the ages, come!
The days and months and years go by:
accept our praise, redeem our lives
our strength for all eternity! (Amen.)
Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns