1 O Christ, you shine out with the glory of God,
inheriting all by your Father's decree -
and yet what a desolate pathway you trod
to bring us from darkness your glory to see!

2 How deep is your sympathy, Jesus our Lord:
like us you were tempted, but you did not fall;
you welcome us, though we have strayed from your word,
and pour out your mercy and grace when we call.

3 So now may we grow, and respond to your will,
and cultivate patience that makes us mature.
Let hope for the future encourage us still -
our anchor in heaven that keeps us secure.

4 High Priest, since your blood has provided the way,
with confidence may we draw near to God's throne -
not throwing our precious assurance away
but helping each other to serve you alone.

5 And, casting aside every hindrance and sin,
unwavering may we press on to the end:
enrolled in a race we are eager to win,
our eyes fixed on you, our faith-giver and friend.

6 How joyful the prospect you held in your view -
enduring the cross, with its terrors and shame,
that we might inherit the kingdom with you
and triumph at last in your wonderful name!

words © Emma Turl / Jubilate 

Metre: 11 11 11 11
Suggested tunes: FIRM FOUNDATION (John Turl); MONTGOMERY (Samuel Jarvis); BRAEMOR PARK (John Crothers)

CCL# 5939556