O clap your hands, all nations, cry
1 O clap your hands, all nations, cry
with joy to God, declare his worth:
how awesome is the LORD most high,
the mighty King of all the earth!
2 Beneath us he has cast our foes
and raised us up with him above;
a glorious heritage he chose
for us, the people of his love.
3 The LORD's ascended! Hear the cry!
The skies with clarion trumpets ring!
Sing praise, sing praise to God on high,
sing praise to our victorious King!
4 For all the earth is God's domain:
to him our noblest praise be given!
The King who over all must reign
is seated on his throne in heaven.
5 The nations' princes join the throng
of those who Abraham's God adore,
for this world's powers to him belong:
our God, supreme for evermore!
Psalm 47, David G. Preston
© D.G. Preston/Jubilate Hymns