1 O come, our world's Redeemer, come!
We hail the ageless mystery
that God should grace the Virgin's womb
and take our frail humanity.

2 For not by mortal will or power,
but by the Holy Spirit's breath,
the seed of heaven comes to flower,
the Word made flesh is found on earth.

3 He comes, for whom creation yearns,
to face the realms of death alone;
and to his glory he returns
to gain a kingdom and a throne.

4 He comes to triumph over wrong
and bring us captive back to heaven;
for in our weakness he is strong,
and for his sake we are forgiven.

5 O come, our world's Redeemer, come!
Your manger shines upon our night
so let the voice of doubt be dumb,
for none shall quench this glorious light!

After Veni, Redemptor gentium , Ambrose of Milan (340 - 397), Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns

CCL# 4364373