O God, do not keep silent
1 O God, do not keep silent;
see how they rage and storm!
Against your cherished people
your foes begin to swarm;
they plan for total war!
They plot to kill a nation,
that we may be no more.
2 They range themselves against you;
one legion, many names.
Old grudges join with new ones,
all with their threats and claims,
our neighbours, great and small.
Of old we know their hatred;
Lord God, you know them all!
3 Come, rule them with your justice,
subdue them with your rod,
as when they vainly threatened
the pasture lands of God;
with fire and wind draw near!
As flame among the mountains
so rout them with your fear.
4 Pursue them, Lord, with judgement
and cover them with shame,
that all their pride may perish
and nations seek your name;
O let that name be known
the Lord most high, most glorious
in all the earth alone!
Christopher Idle from Psalm 83
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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