1 O Lord, how many enemies
Arise and threaten life and limb!
How many talk of me and say,
'His God will not deliver him!'

2 But you surround me like a shield,
My Glory, raising high my head;
You answer from your holy hill
Whenever, Lord, with you I plead.

3 I take my sleep and wake again
Sustained by you and fortified;
I will not fear ten thousand men
Assailing me from every side.

4 Arise, O Lord! Deliver me
And overturn their evil ways;
Deliverance, Lord, is yours alone:
O, bless your people all their days!

Mollie Knight (1917 - 1993) Psalm 3
© The Representatives of the late Mollie Knight / Jubilate Hymns

CCL# 3331637