1 O LORD, our Lord, how far your name
Transcends all else our hearts acclaim,
In heaven or here below!
And yet you have your praises sung
By voices of the frail and young
To silence every foe.
2 When in the heavens your work I scan,
The moon and stars, what then is man,
That you should give him thought?
So godlike he, so high his worth,
Created to be lord on earth
Of all your hands have wrought.
3 You set him over beasts and birds,
The teeming seas, the flocks and herds
Which still his mastery know.
O LORD, our Lord, how far your name
Transcends all else our hearts acclaim,
In heaven or here below!
Psalm 8, David G. Preston
© D.G. Preston/Jubilate Hymns
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