1 O praise the Lord, the mighty God of Israel,
redeemer of his people he has come;
he raises up the dynasty of David
as promised by the prophets long ago.

2 Salvation from the hands of those who hate us!
His covenant with Abraham fulfilled!
He rescues us that, fearless, we might serve him
in honour and in goodness all our days.

3 And you will be the prophet of the Highest,
to go before him and prepare his way;
to give his people knowledge of salvation,
the blessing of forgiveness for their sins.

4 The Lord our God has shown his tender mercy,
his shining sun will come to us from heaven
to dawn on those who live in death's dark shadow,
and guide our footsteps in the path of peace.

After The Song of Zechariah , Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns
11 10 11 10 Iambic

CCL# 962422