1 O Trinity, O Trinity,
the uncreated One;
O Unity, O Unity
of Father, Spirit, Son:
you are without beginning,
your life is never ending;
and though our tongues are earthbound clay,
light them with flaming fire today.

2 O Majesty, O Majesty,
the Father of our race;
O Mystery, O Mystery,
we cannot see your face:
your justice is unswerving,
your love is overpowering;

3 O Virgin - born, O Virgin - born,
of humankind the least;
O Victim torn, O Victim torn,
both spotless lamb and priest:
you died and rose victorious,
you reign above all - glorious;

4 O Wind of God, O Wind of God,
invigorate the dead;
O Fire of God, O Fire of God
your burning radiance spread:
your fruit our lives renewing,
your gifts, the church transforming;

5 O Trinity, O Trinity,
the uncreated One,
O Unity, O Unity
of Father, Spirit, Son:
you are without beginning,
your life is never - ending;

Michael Saward (born 1932) From the Lenten Triodion of the Orthodox Church
© Michael Saward/Jubilate Hymns
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CCL# 3196315