1 O where shall peace be found,
and where an end to slaughter
all lands be holy ground,
all peoples free from murder?
Where weapons are unmade
the prophet's word comes true
and none shall be afraid
when God makes all things new.

2 The mountain of the Lord
shall rise above all others;
in Christ we are restored
as neighbours, sisters, brothers:
our grey machines of death
are turned to nobler use
when over all the earth
his kingdom is let loose.

3 We long to see the day
when love completes that vision!
But God who hears us pray
demands our clear decision:
Lord, give us ears to hear,
and wills to heed, your voice;
to yield no more to fear,
to make your path our choice.

Christopher Idle from Micah 4
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 2947194