Once more the day its toll has taken
and we are tired and look for rest.
But first we come to you, dear Father,
As little children to be blessed.
In faith, we pray for your compassion
for us and all our troubled race.
We see your loving arms extended;
now grant us peace in your embrace.

Once more we pray to you for pardon
our sin, our wrong, our selfish pride.
Once more we turn to you in sorrow
for grief brought to your Son who died.
We pray through him for absolution:
forgive us, Lord, in your good grace.
You gave your Son for our salvation;
now grant us peace in your embrace.

Once more we ask for holy comfort,
as helplessly we turn to you.
For only those who know their weakness
can know what your strong love can do.
Clouds of the day, good Lord, lift from us,
all doubts and fears with faith replace.
You gave your Son for our redemption;
now grant us peace in your embrace.

Once more your children look to heaven
as darkness takes the place of light.
Almighty God, dear loving Father,
stay with us all through earth's long night.
Stay with us, Lord, till our last rising
when heaven's true light unveils your face,
when we are raised to life eternal,
to joy and peace in your embrace.

John Miller
© John Miller / Jubilate Hymns
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