1 One night over eastern lands a brilliant star was rising,
sign to a waiting world of God's promised dawn;
wise men observed the skies, searching and surmising,
eager to trace its light and see where Christ was born.

2 But now in Jerusalem King Herod's court was shaken -
he had no right to rule, his claims had no worth.
Priests found a prophecy from the Scriptures taken,
pointing to Bethlehem and Jesus' royal birth.

3 By starlight the travellers then renewed their quest with pleasure,
following its path until they came to the boy.
There in humility, opening up their treasure -
gold, myrrh and frankincense - they worshipped him with joy.

4 Come Spirit, and draw our hearts to seek him and adore him,
God's Son who died for us, our Saviour and King;
help us to lay our lives reverently before him,
walk in his light and love, whose endless praise we sing.

Metre: 14 11 12 12

Tune: STARLIGHT (John Turl)

words © Emma Turl / Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 7142942