One star
1. One star
shone across the eastern sky;
one star
shone upon a watchful eye:
and for a million million years or more
this star had shone that way before,
but on this night
this star shone bright
and there, amazed, the magi saw
a star defying nature's law.
2. One star
travelling across the dawn!
One star
telling them a child is born
and then imploring them to start their quest
to follow on from east to west
across the wild
to find a child,
the God of all upon this earth,
a baby boy by human birth.
3. One Star
lying at his mother's breast;
one Star
brighter far than all the rest:
and for a million million years or more
no Star had shone like this before.
From far above
he came with Love
and Christ our Saviour led the way
and taught us how to love today.
Paul Wigmore
© Paul Wigmore / Jubilate Hymns
Tune: ONE STAR (The Carol Book 143)