1 Our God has made his covenant new
the Lord himself has spoken
not like the covenant made before
which human sin had broken.
He took his people by the hand
and led them through the desert land
by steadfast love and goodness.

2 But now God sets his law within
on human hearts he writes it;
the people God has made his own,
one holy church, recites it.
So all alike their God will know
from least to greatest, high and low,
by steadfast love and goodness.

3 The Lord will count their sins no more
their guilt shall be forgiven;
this promise comes from God who made
the sun, and earth, and heaven:
and Christ who brings us peace with God
has sealed this covenant with his blood
in steadfast love and goodness.

Christopher Idle from Jeremiah 31
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3354652