Patient in hope, I sought the Lord
1 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord;
he turned to me - my cry was heard!
Raising me from the miry pit,
on solid rock he set my feet.
He turned my cry to newborn song:
from heart and voice God's praises sprang;
many who see such grace outpoured,
fearing, will turn and trust the Lord.
2 Happy are those who put their trust
in God the Lord - not like the lost,
following leaders blind and proud,
worshipping some pretended god.
How many wonders you have done,
what blessings still for us you plan,
O Lord - my God beyond compare! -
mercies too many to declare.
3 You have desired not sacrifice
but open ears to obey your voice;
"I come," I answered, "at your call,
as written of me in the scroll.
I come your purpose to fulfil,
glad, O my God, to do your will;
joyful obedience is my part:
your law is written in my heart."
4 Now have your gathered people heard
news of your righteousness, O Lord;
I have not failed to tell them of
your saving acts and steadfast love.
Lord, do not hold your mercies back:
so many storm clouds round me break;
my countless faults come crowding in,
my heart is overwhelmed by sin.
5 Be pleased, O Lord, to rescue me
from all who seek my life today;
let all who laugh at my distress
be put to flight in-sheer disgrace.
May all whose hope on you is set
constantly say: "The Lord is great!"
Poor and in need, to you I pray;
Hear, O my God, do not delay.
from Psalm 40
© David G Preston / admin The Jubilate Group
Suggested tune: MERTHYR TYDFIL (CH 562)