Praise for coming of the King
1 Praise for coming of the King,
praise for song the angels sing,
praise for gifts the wise men bring,
praise for Christmas ring bells, ring!
2 Praise for shining star on high,
praise for humble shepherds nigh,
praise for baby Jesus' cry,
'Praise for Christmas!' hearts reply.
3 Praise for gift of God's own Son,
praise for victory he has won,
praise while time and ages run,
praise for Christmas praise be done!
4 Praise for Christmas all our days,
heart and soul and voice shall raise
love for God in all his ways,
praise for Christmas sound his praise!
Sound his praise;
sound his praise!
vv 1-3 Brian Black (born 1926): v4 Michael Perry (1942-1996) (Pseudonym:Word and Music)
© Brian Black and Word and Music/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
7 7 7 7 Trochaic and Coda