Praise the Lord, let all within me
praise and bless his holy name,
mindful of his endless mercies:
who removes our guilt and shame,
and who heals us and redeems us,
crowns us with his grace and truth,
blesses daily, and renews us
like an eagle in its youth.
He brings justice to the victims
underneath the oppressor's heel;
he made known his ways to Moses
and his deeds to Israël.
For the Lord is all compassion,
slow to anger, rich in grace:
he will not rebuke forever,
nor forever hide his face.
So we sinners are not dealt with
on our merits by the Lord,
nor our acts of disobedience
given their well-deserved reward;
like the heavens that tower above us,
his great love is measureless,
burying deep in distant oceans
all our sins and wickedness.
Creatures of the dust, our frailty
well our heavenly Father knows:
few our days here, like a field-flower,
vanished once the east wind blows.
But his love for those who fear him
changeless through the ages stands,
pledged to those who keep his covenant
and who live as he commands.
Praise the Lord enthroned in heaven:
all are subject to his sway;
praise the Lord, you mighty angels,
listening, ready to obey;
praise the Lord, his heavenly forces,
waiting to fulfil his word;
praise the Lord, his whole creation:
all within me, praise the Lord!
from Psalm 103
© David G Preston / admin The Jubilate Group
Suggested tune: ARWELFA (John Hughes)