1 Praise the Lord with the people of Palgrave,
sing from Stuston and Thrandeston too;
boys and girls, young and old, big and little,
praising Jesus who loves me and you.
Hallelujah, God our Father!
Hallelujah, Christ our Friend!
Hallelujah, Holy Spirit!
Sing together to the end.
2 For the years, all the hundred and fifty,
of the school by the church on the green;
for the people who lived in our village
when no cars or computers were seen.
Singing praises in the present,
saying Thank You for the past,
staying faithful in the future
from the first day to the last.
3 For the scholars and teachers and parents,
all who help, phone and type, clean and care;
every class, every game, every journey;
all we learn, as we grow, all we share.
Being grateful for the good things,
being sorry when we're wrong;
showing kindness to our neighbours,
let us praise God in our song.
4A Praise the Lord for his friend Simon Peter
and the places we call by his name;
for disciples today who are trusting
in the Friend who is always the same,
God be with us night and morning,
God be with us through the day;
God be with us to the evening,
and for ever, Lord, we pray.
4B Praise the Lord for his friends and disciples
who were glad at the sound of his name;
for disciples today who are trusting
in the Friend who is always the same,
God be with us night and morning,
God be with us through the day;
God be with us to the evening,
and for ever, Lord, we pray.
Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
Permitted Variant: The names in verse 1 may be amended for use in other situations, and verse 2 omitted.