Put your hand in your neighbour's hand
1 Put your hand in your neighbour's hand,
and help him to carry his load;
neither pass him by, nor ignore his cry,
as you travel along life's road:
for Christ on the cross is the bridge between
my neighbour and me and my friend across the sea,
and all God's people are one in him.
and all God's people are one.
2 Put your hand in the Saviour's hand
as you venture into the night;
for the power of the Lord and his living word
shall be to your path a light:
for Christ on the cross is the bridge whereby
a man may reach up to his Father on high,
and all God's people are one in him.
and all God's people are one.
3 Hand in hand let us pledge our love
in the name of the crucified
for all those who are kin 'neath the colour of skin
though the oceans may still divide:
for Christ on the cross is the bridge between
my Father and me and my friend across the sea,
and all God's people are one in him.
and all God's people are one.
Judy Davies (born 1935)
© Judy Davies