Rejoice and be merry in songs and in mirth
1. Rejoice and be merry in songs and in mirth;
O praise our Redeemer, all mortals on earth!
For this is the birthday of Jesus our King,
who brought us salvation - his praises we sing!
2. A heavenly vision appeared in the sky;
vast numbers of angels the shepherds did spy,
proclaiming the birthday of Jesus our King,
who brought us salvation - his praises we sing!
3. And soon in the sky a bright star did appear,
which led the wise men from the east to draw near;
they found the Messiah, Christ Jesus our King,
who brought us salvation - his praises we sing!
4. They came and they offered myrrh, incense and gold -
for God's gracious purpose these treasures foretold.
Then worshipped for ever be Jesus our King,
who brought us salvation - his praises we sing!
English traditional
© in this version Word & Music
11 11 11 11