1 Ring those bells! This year, every year, keep God's promises in our sight.
Sing to God! Always, everywhere, each new morning is his by right.
Hallelujah! Let us claim this year for the Lord;
Sing God's glory, Maker, Saviour, Counsellor, the Lord of light.

2 Christmas comes! Let the Gospel in words and actions be heard and seen;
Christ is born! See the kingdom at work where darkness and sin have been.
Hallelujah! Let us hear the word of the Lord;
Sing God's glory, by his love made whole again, and new, and clean.

3 Tell the world! Leave idolatry, end rebellion, seek God's face!
Come to Christ! Join the family, find vitality in this place.
Hallelujah! Let us give ourselves to the Lord;
Sing God's glory, Father, Son and Spirit of redeeming grace.

Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3812565