1 Saint Stephen was faithful
to Jesus the Lord,
he cared for the grieving
and sought no reward:
and still, and still they led him away,
and still we bless his name on this day.

2 The sick and the suffering
he healed in God's power,
great wonders he worked
till his very last hour:

3 Saint Stephen was bold
in the name of the Lord,
proclaiming God's judgment
and preaching his word:

4 'Receive me, Lord Jesus,
in glory to live,
and these, my accusers,
Lord Jesus, forgive.'

5 And Stephen, the servant
who sought no reward,
has passed into glory
and lives with his Lord:
and still, and still he shows us the way,
and still we bless his name on this day.

Paul Wigmore (born 1925)
© Paul Wigmore/Jubilate Hymns
6 5 6 5 Iambic and refrain

CCL# 4807610