1 See the grace of God abounding,
righteous wrath, redeeming hand;
see the very Flood of judgment
bear the Ark to welcome land:
faithful man with God of mercy
firm in every trial shall stand.

2 Hear the voice of God the Father
call his people from their sin;
hear his promise to sustain them
till the Promised Land they win:
humans with a mighty Saviour,
seen by none yet heard within.

3 Feel the healing touch of Jesus,
God incarnate here on earth,
telling us of sin forgiven,
new beginning, second birth:
justified, the people praise him,
prove his love and preach his worth.

4 Know the power of God the Spirit,
leading, guiding, always true;
looking on to Christ's returning
when this life on earth is through:
sin and death cast out for ever!
See, our God makes all things new!

5 Now, to Father, Son and Spirit,
mystic three in unity,
be all glory, praise and honour
now and through eternity;
for at last his ransomed people
shall his new creation see.

Paul Wigmore (born 1925)
© Paul Wigmore/Jubilate Hymns
8 7 8 7 8 7 Trochaic

CCL# 4895440