Send us out in the power of your Spirit,
send us out in the strength of your love,
to live and work to your praise and glory
in the name of Christ.
Send us out in the hope of your promise,
send us out in the light of your word,
to love and serve as the hands and feet
of our Saviour, Christ.

1. God of the present, past and future,
worshipped and honoured here today,
you have been faithful, each generation;
bless all we do now in your name.

Send us out...

2. Called to be good and faithful servants.
Called to bring peace where peace is lost;
called to show justice, always with mercy,
humbly to walk with you, our God.

Send us out...

3. So draw us all into your kingdom,
built not with hands in time or space
but in the heavens to last forever,
your own eternal dwelling place.

Send us out...

Composer: Janet Lunt
Copyright © 2010 Janet Lunt /admin. The Jubilate Group