1 Shepherd-boy, tell me, why are you singing;
shepherd-boy, tell me, what is your song?
Glory shone round me, and angels came winging;
born is our Saviour that is my song.

2 Shepherd-boy, tell me, where are you going;
shepherd-boy, tell me, what is your aim?
King in a stable where cattle are lowing:
he is our Saviour that is my aim.

3 Shepherd-boy, tell me, why are you kneeling;
shepherd-boy, tell me, what is your prayer?
Christ, be my guarding, my saving, my healing;
love me, O Saviour that is my prayer.

Paul Wigmore (born 1925), after the French
© Paul Wigmore/Jubilate Hymns
10 9 11 9

CCL# 876549