Sing glory to God the Father
1 Sing glory to God the Father,
the king of the universe, changelessly the same.
Sing praise to the world's creator
and magnify his holy name.
He made all that is round us and all that is beyond,
his hands uphold the planets, to him they all respond.
2 Sing glory to God the Saviour,
the Lord of the galaxies, bearer of our shame.
Sing praise to the world's redeemer
and magnify his holy name.
He suffered grief and torment, for sin he paid the price,
he rose in glorious triumph, both priest and sacrifice.
3 Sing glory to God the Spirit,
the power of the elements, setting hearts aflame.
Sing praise to the world's life - giver
and magnify his holy name.
His gifts to all are given, his fruit transforms our hearts,
his fellowship enriches, a grace which he imparts.
4 Sing glory, the whole creation!
Give thanks to the Trinity, heaven's love proclaim.
Sing praise to our God, almighty,
and magnify his holy name.
Michael Saward (born 1932)
© Michael Saward/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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