1 Sing merrily to God
whose arm has done great things,
and play with all the skill you have
on trumpet, pipes and strings.

2 Remember Israel's plight
in Egypt's far - off land:
how God, unaided, rescued them
with strong and outstretched hand.

3 Remember too their pride,
their murmurings on the way;
recall how they forsook the Lord
and chose to disobey.

4 Let us not act like them,
but walk in faith again
and claim the gifts that God will shower
refreshing as the rain.

5 Sing merrily to God,
the Shepherd of his flock
who feeds his people, as of old,
with honey from the rock.

After Psalm 81, David Mowbray (born 1938)
© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns

CCL# 3796382