1 Sing, sing, sing to the Lord,
sing, every land, your own new song;
sing of your Saviour each day!
Let all the nations hear of his glory,
victories, wonders, tell them the story
praising the Lord with heart and tongue,
praising the Lord with heart and tongue.
2 Great, great, great is the Lord,
great and most worthy of our love,
great above all other gods:
they are but nothings, God is all-glorious,
splendid, majestic, strong and victorious,
maker of earth and heaven above,
maker of earth and heaven above.
3 Bring, bring, bring to the Lord,
bring to his name the worship due,
bring your best gift to his throne:
God is all-holy, tremble before him,
clothed in his beauty, come to adore him
tell what the Lord has done for you,
tell what the Lord has done for you.
4 Joy, joy, joy in the heavens,
joy for the life of sea and earth,
joy in the field and the wood!
Welcome his kingdom, praise his salvation;
now he is coming, Lord of creation,
judging the peoples with his truth,
judging the peoples with his truth.
Christopher Idle from Psalm 96
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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