Songs of thankfulness and praise
[Modernised Version]1 Songs of thankfulness and praise,
Jesus, Lord, to you we raise;
once revealed, when heaven's star
brought the wise men from afar;
branch of royal David's stem
in your birth at Bethlehem,
Word before the world began,
God revealed to us in man.
2 God revealed at Jordan's stream,
prophet, priest and king supreme;
once revealed in power divine
changing water into wine;
Cana's holy wedding guest
keeping to the last the best;
Word before...
3 God revealed in valiant fight,
conquering the devil's might;
sins forgiven, sickness healed,
life restored and God revealed:
once revealed in gracious will
ever bringing good from ill,
Word before...
4 Sun and moon shall darkened be,
stars shall fall, the heavens flee;
Christ will then like lightning shine,
all will see the glorious sign;
all will then the trumpet hear,
all will see the Judge appear,
Word before...
*4A Stars shall fall and heavens fade,
sun and moon shall dark be made;
Christ will then like lightning shine,
all will see the glorious sign;
all will then the trumpet hear,
all will see the Son appear,
Word before...
Jubilate Hymns version of 'Songs of thankfulness and praise', Christopher Wordsworth (1807 - 1885)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
7 7 7 7 D Trochaic including refrain
*Praise Trust © verse