1 Sovereign Lord, in all the earth
how majestic is your name!
Infant voices from their birth
fervent praise proclaim,
fervent praise proclaim.

2 When I lift my eyes I see
all the stars you set in place:
who am I that I should be
favoured by such grace,
favoured by such grace?

3 Yet you prove to us your love
and exalt us very high,
making us as lords above
earth and sea and sky,
earth and sea and sky.

4 Sing aloud our saviour's worth
mercy, truth, and love proclaim:
Sovereign Lord, in all the earth
holy is your name,
holy is your name.

After Psalm 8, Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns
7 7 7 5 (5) Trochaic

CCL# 1049904