Spirit of God most high
1 Spirit of God most high,
Lord of all power and might;
source of our Easter joy,
well-spring of life and light:
strip from the church its cloak of pride,
a stumbling-block to those outside.
2 Word of God's Spirit, blow!
into the valley sweep.
bringing dry bones to life,
wakening each from sleep:
speak to the church your firm command,
and bid a scattered army stand.
3 Fire of God's Spirit, melt
every unbending heart;
your people's love renew
as at their journey's start:
your reconciling grace release
to bring the Christian family peace.
4 Spirit of Christ our Lord,
send us to do your will;
nothing need hold us back
for you are with us still:
forgetful of ourselves, may we
receive your gift of unity!
David Mowbray (born 1938)
© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns
6 6 6 6 8 8 Iambic