1 Stars by night were shining
over a cattle-shed
where a babe, reclining,
slept in a manger bed.
Yet brighter far
than starlight in the sky,
God with us, our Saviour,
Jesus is Lord most high.

2 Angel choirs were singing
praises to God above,
and to shepherds bringing
news of his gift of love.
This is his Son -
we marvel at his birth:
Mary's child, our brother,
treasure of priceless worth.

3 Simeon is waiting
for the anointed One;
Anna stands relating
all that the Lord has done.
Here they rejoice
to see the infant brought,
dawning light of nations
now in his temple court.

4 Heaven-sent and glorious,
promised from ages past,
Christ will rise victorious,
conquering death at last.
First he must die
sin's captives to release -
welcome our redeemer,
Prince of eternal peace!

V3 is recommended for Epiphany and Candlemas and can be omitted otherwise.

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 66664666 / Suggested tune: NOEL NOUVELET (15th century French melody)

CCL# 7017833