Step by step and year by year
the vision grew.
Did not Jesus say
'I'm making all things new?'
Changing times demand fresh ways
of sharing truth for modern days;
and even buildings shout God's praise
when we fulfil our calling.

With Christ at the centre
we stand on solid ground.
Here love is shared and truth declared,
and faith and hope are found;
And here there's a welcome -
both young and old the same;
for all in need, a bridge to lead
to life in Jesus' name.

Step by step and stone by stone
the building grew:
stone and metal, glass and wood -
all bright and new.
Architect's and builders' skill
combined together to fulfil
a vision born of God, whose will
we seek: this is our calling.

Step by step and one by one
the Kingdom grows
as we offer all to Christ,
who died and rose.
Here, as Christian family,
through worship, mission, ministry,
we learn what God would have us be
as we fulfil our calling.

Brian Hoare (b.1935)
© Brian Hoare, admin. The Jubilate Group
7 4 7 4 7 8 8 7 with refrain

CCL# 5707850