1 Suffering Christ, uplifted high,
nailed between the earth and sky;
hear our hearts' despairing cry:
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!

2 Your creative skill designed
all the workings of the mind;
settled peace we long to find:
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!

3 What relief from mental pain?
voices whispering again,
rumbling thunder in the brain.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!

4 Hidden secrets few can know;
hurts inflicted long ago;
stunted love that will not grow:
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!

5 Swings of mood, intense and strong:
black depression, flights of song.
Where in this do we belong?
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!

6 Fading memory, talking ends;
strangers meet who once were friends.
Grey confusion fast descends.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!

7 Healing Christ of Galilee:
bring fresh hope, that we may be
kept in God's tranquillity.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!

David Mowbray (born 1938)
© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns
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Suggested tune: MAN OF SORROWS