1 Take God's good news to saddened hearts:
an end to tears there'll be
the glory of the Lord shall shine,
and all the world shall see!

2 The grass shall fade, the flowers shall fall
no earthly friend is sure;
but God has spoken and his word
shall stand for evermore.

3 Good news for you, Jerusalem!
good news for lands afar
the Lord shall come, his arm shall rule
and war shall be no more.

4 The patient Shepherd feeds his flock,
and gathers every lamb;
he shields them all, the Mighty One,
and keeps his sheep from harm.

5 How blessed the heralds of good news
who spread God's word of peace;
who sing aloud the Saviour's name,
'The Lord our Righteousness':

6 From mountain-top let voices ring,
'In Christ, our God has come
to share our life, to bear our grief,
to bring us safely home!'

David Mowbray (born 1938) from Isaiah 40
© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns
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CCL# 3796409