Tell all the world: the Lord is King;
with newly-written songs declare
the awesome greatness of our God,
whose glory no-one else can share.

Proclaim his splendour round the world,
from mountain-top and desert sand;
and let the voice of praise be heard
from every town, in every land.

Relate, with joy, how God fulfilled
his promises from long ago;
then watch the future he unveils -
the Lord still has new plans to show!

How eagerly he smoothes the road
for precious saints, so long displaced,
as now he calls his people home
from years of hardship, pain and waste.

This is our God, who intervenes
to judge and save, to heal and guide;
this is our God, the glorious King
whose name is honoured far and wide.

Martin E Leckebusch (b.1962)
© Martin E Leckebusch, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 8 8 8 8 (LM)

CCL# 7051541