1 The Lord is King! Let cries of pure delight 
and joyful songs resound in every land, 
for he shall rule with justice by his might
and all creation bow to his command. 

2 His lightning springs and leaps across the skies
with dazzling flare and deafening thunder-crash;
this God is ours, omnipotent and wise -
false idols crumble into dust and ash. 

3 His judgments bring us joy, for they are just,
throughout his kingdom winning high acclaim; 
our Lord, our light, in him we put our trust
and lift our grateful hearts to praise his name!

4 Rejoice and sing to God the Lord supreme,
declare afresh the marvels of his grace:
His promised rescue, our salvation's theme,
is now revealed to all the human race.

5 The air shall ring with songs to Christ our Lord,
with ocean roar, with horn and trumpet blast:
our King will come, when nature is restored,
to reign in righteousness enthroned at last!

Verses 1-3 based on Psalm 97, verses 4-5 on Psalm 98
Metre: 10 10 10 10          

words © Emma Turl / Jubilate
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 7247360