The ancient hills have known his word
1 The ancient hills have known his word,
the judgements and the grace of God;
the very ears of corn have heard
where once the Saviour's feet have trod.
2 If those ears flourish as God planned,
shall ours be dull in these last days?
And if his glory fills the land
shall we be slow to sing his praise?
3 From prison cell to open deck,
from tent or temple, hut or home,
through fire and flood, through war and wreck,
the Spirit moves, the Scriptures come.
4 By prayers and poems, dates and dreams,
in journal, parable and song,
surprises, stories, signs and names,
God speaks, and saves, and makes us strong.
5 So let our ears be keen to hear,
our lips to speak, our feet to run
with news of Jesus, far and near
from Cornhill, till our work is done.
5A So let our ears be keen to hear,
our lips to speak, our feet to run
with news of Jesus, far and near
from now until our work is done.
Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
Permitted variant: Substitute a local place name for 'Cornhill' in verse 5