1 'The bells of waiting Advent ring,'*
a song in winter's darkest night,
yet listen to the tale they tell
earth waits for Christ from glory bright.

2 Sing to the mighty Father God,
whose love enshrines his majesty;
there is no darkness where he reigns
and light above all light is he.

3 And all who trust him and obey
will find when Jesus comes again
that they are heirs to that bright place,
God's realm of glory, their domain!

4 To Father, Son and Holy Ghost
we sing our praises, loud and long;
and wait with winter's Advent bells
to welcome Christ in Christmas song.

Paul Wigmore (born 1925)
© Paul Wigmore/Jubilate Hymns
*By kind permission of Sir John Betjeman, the first line is quoted from his poem, 'Christmas', from John Betjeman's Collected Poems, John Murray, 1958.
Suggested tunes: Agincourt; O waly waly

CCL# 4224925