The cross of Christ - love's sacrifice
The cross of Christ - love's sacrifice,
declares God's Son has paid the price
of sinful thoughts and words and deeds
and now can meet our deepest needs.
What priceless love, what matchless grace
we sinners can by faith embrace
and know he's washed our sin away -
our living Friend for ever.
Christ crucified on Calvary's hill
fulfilled his Father's sovereign will;
that special place in history
reveals a sacred mystery:
here was the Lamb of God who came
and suffered for us - took our blame;
the Holy One bore all our sin -
our saving Friend for ever.
And now we glory in the cross
and count all other gain as loss;
as sinners we were destitute
but Jesus is our substitute.
God's love so deep, so real, so true
can now be known by me, by you;
he gives this precious gift to us -
our faithful Friend for ever.
Brian Black (b.1926)
© Brian Black, administered by The Jubilate Group
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 / O TANNENBAUM - can also be sung to HOW DEEP THE FATHER'S LOVE (Townend, adapted)