1 The kingdom of the living God
has come, as Christ proclaimed;
for he, the King, has, on his throne
the human heart reclaimed,
when, crowned with thorns, upon the cross,
his kingship has been named.
2 In action and in parable
that kingdom has been taught.
Its character, transforming lives,
is by disciples sought;
for Jesus, with the blood he shed,
has our salvation bought.
3 This King has our allegiance won,
our lives to him are bound,
he calls us as his royal priests
to treat as holy ground
the whole wide world for which he died
and rose, and now is crowned.
4 And yet we pray, 'Your kingdom come',
that holy city bright,
for he who came a peasant babe
shall come in radiant light
to bring that kingdom here on earth
and reign in glorious might.
Michael Saward
© Michael Saward/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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tune: KINGDOM (Malcolm Archer)