1 The land is dry; the prophet's word
is clearly spoken, rarely heard:
the ground is hard and groans for rain;
Lord, speak, that we may live again!

2 The people die; the voice divine
rejects our clamour for a sign;
yet, Lord, in sin and death we mourn;
let breath be given, let life return!

3 False gods abound, and rival cults;
our lying enemy exults:
come, sweep them, Lord, from heart and mind
and Satan's prisoners all unbind!

4 The churches drift; we lose our nerve,
forgetting who it is we serve;
Lord, judge and save us; burn, and bless
and do not leave us comfortless!

5 As patriarchs and prophets prayed,
teach us to follow undismayed:
teach us to stand for you today;
but first, our God, teach us to pray!

6 Our Father, let it here be known
whose is the word, the blood, the throne;
throughout this earth that Jesus trod
let nations know that you are God!

Christopher Idle from 1 Kings 17 - 18
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 3816035