1 The Lord is King! Let earth be glad,
let coasts and islands all rejoice;
cloud and mist enfold Him;
righteousness and justice
make firm foundations for his throne,
and fire burns up his enemies.
2 The mountains melt at his approach
For he is Master of the world;
Earth beneath his lightning
shines and shakes and trembles.
The heavens announce His righteousness,
all nations see his majesty.
3 Let those who follow worthless cults
be put to shame before the Lord!
Gods and superstitions,
bow down low before him!
For God Most High rules all the earth
and every power submits to him.
4 Hate evil, you who love the Lord!
He keeps his loyal servants safe,
frees them from the wicked,
shines on them, delights them:
you righteous, in the Lord rejoice:
give glory to his Holy Name!
Christopher Idle from Psalm 97
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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