The Lord whose glory fills the earth
The Lord whose glory fills the earth,
whose splendour floods the starry skies,
has spoken perfect holiness
in phrases we can recognise:
the world's Creator chose to take
a mortal frame, a human birth -
across the hills of Galilee
the God of glory walked this earth.
Such wisdom, such authority
were found wherever Jesus trod -
the Father's glory he revealed,
this living Word, the Son of God.
His life embodies love and power
in all their awesome majesty:
on Jesus' face the Lord unveils
the imprint of eternity.
But who can fully comprehend
the hour when he was glorified?
Could love be more intense than this,
the Man of Sorrows crucified?
Our sin, our shame he made his own,
the burdens he was crowned to bear,
and by his selfless suffering
eternal life is ours to share.
The splendours of unfathomed love
now burst upon our inward sight,
and so we find our darkened hearts
ablaze with unexpected light:
the Lord on whom we fix our gaze
transforms us by his truth and grace,
until our daily lives reflect
the glory on our Saviour's face.
Martin Leckebusch (b.1962)
© Martin Leckebusch, admin. The Jubilate Group
8 8 8 8 D
(Alternative tune: BEFORE THE THRONE by Vicki Cook)