The shepherd guards his sheep
1 The shepherd guards his sheep upon the hillside late at night
he is woken from his sleep to see a flash of blinding light,
a voice that makes him leap proclaims the news with great delight
that Jesus Christ is born!
Glory, glory, alleluia;
glory, glory, alleluia;
glory, glory, alleluia;
for Jesus Christ is born!
2 The wise man in the east is glad to see the shining star
he is saddling up his beast to go to Bethlehem afar:
we find our king and priest, salvation comes where sinners are
as Jesus Christ is born!
3 So let us make our pleasure humble service to the king
as we offer him our treasure and the praises that we bring:
with love in fullest measure God has blessed us so we sing
that Jesus Christ is born!
Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns Ltd