The Spirit led by day
1 The Spirit led by day;
God spoke the word by night:
so Paul's companions found their way
their Lord was all their light.
2 The miles across the sea,
the struggles overland
so one small group reach Philippi,
by grace to break new ground.
3 One quiet riverside,
one Sabbath space for prayer:
God's chosen moment to provided
life for his people there.
4 They worship Israel's God,
and Abr'am's Lord they fear;
but now from travellers on the road
the missing news they hear.
5 Christ's servants speak the word,
and open ears they find;
they see afresh the living Lord
who opens heart and mind.
6 So Lydia believes
and finds her Christ has come;
the truth into her heart receives,
the church into her home.
7 One household is baptized
in this strategic place;
one open door for Jesus Christ,
the firstfruits of his grace.
8 God raise us from the dead
the risen Christ to know;
his name be praised, his gospel spread
by churches born to grow.
Christopher Idle from Acts 16
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd