1 The vision of the living God
came once in blinding storm;
and glowing in its heart of flame,
their smooth unswerving course the same,
like swiftly-moving torches came
four beasts in human form.

2 Each wore in front a human face,
an eagle's head behind,
an ox and lion at each side;
as on they flew with wings spread wide,
God's Spirit as their constant guide,
and lifted by the wind.

3 And moving with them, jewel-bright,
four seeing, shining wheels;
a vault above, and there a throne
where radiance like the rainbow shone
on One in majesty alone
whose voice all power reveals.

4 In God made flesh we see and hear
true likeness, faithful word;
and though all hell should disobey,
no fear nor fainting shall dismay
the prophets sent to show today
the glory of the Lord.

Christopher Idle from Ezekiel 1 and 2
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3816138