1 There was singing, O Christ, on the night you were born,
And a waking of hope at God's long-promised dawn;
you were shown, Prince of Peace, to the nations on earth
when a bright star appeared as a sign of your birth.

2 May we watch the wise men as they travel from far
making journeys of faith by the light of that star;
and as each of their gifts is presented to you
may we think how our worship could honour you too.

3 *Let your sovereignty glisten like gold from the mine
and let frankincense speak of your presence divine,
let the myrrh be reserved to anoint you in death
when to bring us new life you will yield your last breath.

4 What rejection and anguish you had to endure -
you were killed for the guilty although you were pure!
Yet you looked far beyond the grim pathway you trod
to a people restored to the kingdom of God.

5 Here, Lord Jesus, we glimpse your unlimited grace -
you have loved us, and served us, and died in our place:
Son of God, since you came on that first Christmas night
you have ransomed your church to rejoice in your light!

*Alternative for verse 3 line 1:
Let your kingship be honoured with gold from the mine,

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 12 12 12 12
Suggested tunes: STOWEY (Eng. Trad.), TELYN AUR (John Turl)

CCL# 7011526